Alysia Kehoe

Alysia Kehoe

Executive Coach
Certified Coach Strategist
Engagement Specialist


Be absolutely honest – Your coach already values you or you wouldn’t be their client! You don’t have to impress and there is no point deceiving your coach. Share your successes and your blocks. If you haven’t done what you said you would it’s crucial to say so, rather than attempt to gloss over the truth – it will help your coach to coach you better. You are perfectly right to refuse to discuss anything you would rather not, but it is important when you do talk with your coach that you tell it like it is!

Be prepared to experiment, and remember that ultimately you are responsible for your actions, your emotions and hence your life. If you can’t accept this responsibility, coaching will not work for you.

Be prepared to be stretched and challenged, but never agree to do anything that just doesn’t feel right or that conflicts with your values. Your coach will help you design it, and put it into effect, but the agenda is yours.


Come to your coaching session prepared

It is essential that you call or meet in a place of privacy – where you will not be interrupted and where you can give the coaching session your full and undivided attention.

It really does help if you take some time beforehand to get focused. Review the time since your last session, and notice where and how you are now. Make a note if there is a particular topic you want to explore.


Give your coach feedback so they can coach you better

When your coach has been particularly helpful or inspiring – tell them! You are an individual, and your situation is unique, what works for someone else may not work for you. Your coach will do their best to get to know what works well for you – by giving feedback you can speed to process up.


Life tends to flow in cycles, and coaching is no exception.

A lot may be achieved in some sessions, in others, this may not appear to be the case.

Coaching does not just happen during the coaching call / session; its real effect can only be experienced in your life as a whole! Being coached creates an energy dynamic, which operates throughout the time you are a client of your coach.

Sometimes it takes considerable time to bring about significant and lasting change or improvement or to achieve your goals. Sometimes it can happen almost instantly – be prepared for both, and allow for enough time deciding how long to commit to the coaching process or to any one coach!


It is useful to take the time to acknowledge the change

Acknowledge the change you are making and how much you are achieving along the way. This can really help build momentum – what you focus on grows! When you complete your work with a coach it is really worthwhile to acknowledge the ending, all you have achieved through working together.

This is about your life, important and serious, but be prepared to have fun and enjoy your coaching sessions.


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